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27.00 $
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50$ | PVA Softreg | Country USA | Farmed up to 140 days | Registration via SMS | Selfie passed | From 1000 friends | Selfie + Mail + Documents | Avatar + EAAB Token + Cookies + User-Agent (full description)

PVA Softreg facebook account, USA country. Accounts registered via mobile devices, using US mobile proxies

Conducted pre-farming of the account up to 140 days. Mail added.

On the account added from 1,000 friends

Language English

Extracted Token, Cookies, User Agent


login|pass|id|bright date|email|useragent|cookie


PVA Softreg facebook account, USA country

Registration via SMS

Selfies passed

The language is English, the names are in Latin

Farm up to 140 days

From 1,000 friends

Documents + Avatar + Cookies + token

Getting an account through support

Login recommendations

Two-factor authentication can be enabled. There are 5 2FA codes in the package. There is also a key for generating codes via or adding an account to Google Authenticator or similar

Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id ( Example

or use this checker

If you work with mass launch services, we recommend that you log in to your account via antidetect before launching it to perform user actions in it for a few minutes: scrolling the feed, visiting publics, etc

Refund policy

No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations

Accounts may be missing some stages of farming. Accounts of other geos may be found. In these cases, the accounts are not subject to replacement