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4 pc.
290.00 $
4 pc.

UNLIMITED | BM5 | Ad account has no limit | Unlimited spend immediately | 5 unlimited accounts shared with BM | Email confirmed (full description)

Unlimited Facebook Business Manager

Warranty 5 days

The account has no limit, unlimited spending immediately

You can change currency, country and time zone

5 unlimited ad accounts inside, shared on the BM

Email is confirmed


You are required to log into the BM immediately after purchase and check the limit.

You are obliged to remove all admins from the BM.

On the first cabinet currency and country are not changed


link1 id


Ad account has no limit

Unlimited spend from day one

Currency, country and time zone are changeable

There are shared 5 more unlimited accounts on BM

You can't create new accounts

Email is confirmed

Login recommendations

You are required to log into the BM immediately after purchase and check the limit

You are required to remove all admins from the BM

The BM is guaranteed until the end of the day

If you have found any nuances that fall under the warranty case, please write to the manager

Refund policy

The BM is guaranteed in a 5 days (see recommendations)

Refunds and replacements are made:

  • there are access problems,
  • the BM was banned before purchase,
  • the BM has any limit,
  • the limit of the cabinet falls after linking the card or launching advertising within 24h
  • ad accounts disappeared from BM within 5 days after purchase

Refunds and replacements will NOT be made:

  • the limit has fallen or BM/cabinet has been deactivated after any actions in BM - card binding, sending docks, launching advertising, etc. 
  • BM was banned the next day after any activity,
  • There is an error when linking the card, or FB does not confirm the card. You need to try more, or use a different card.
  • ad accounts disappeared from BM after 5 days after purchase. Restoration is possible if you have access to the cabinets