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1 pc.
5.00 $
1 pc.

50$ | Softreg PVA | Country Ukraine | Documents to pass ZRD and take selfie | Verified via SMS | Farmed 7 days | 25+ friends |NEW FP + BM + 2FA + Mail + Avatar + Token + Cookies + UA (full description)

Account registered from mobile IP Ukraine, via PC

Accounts manual farming 7 days. Included is a photo card with the help of which you can pass checks on the part of Facebook.

Includes 5 photos for passing selfies. The card for passing the ZRD is included in the set

Extracted cookies, user agent

Email included, registration was done by SMS

Gender - female, name on Latin

Accounts have 1 Fan Page created and fully populated (poured photos, multiple posts and page info) under any vertical.

All actions with accounts were performed from Ukrainian IPs

During the farming process, our specialists regularly visit various websites that have a Facebook pixel installed, ensuring each of our accounts has more than 50 external activities relative to FB (details can be seen under settings in the "information about the page" section, then "activities outside of Facebook"). Thanks to the active accumulation of cookie files, our accounts gain additional advertising categories, similar to those of real user accounts, prompting FB to show ads more frequently in the feed, thereby increasing our trustworthiness and reducing the likelihood of being blocked.

On every social profile, we meticulously fill in personal information, upload more than five photos, set up background and avatar, posted more than ten publications in the feed on various dates, and accepted over 25 friend requests. Additionally, as a bonus, the number of followers on each profile can range from 20 to 200.

Each account is verified through email and phone number, with email being the primary means of communication. You receive login and password for the email along with the account, which ensures you can easily pass any verifications by Facebook since the main contact is set to email. Furthermore, every account is pre-set with two-factor authentication and a secret key for the Google Authenticator extension, allowing codes to be received directly in the browser. All of this is included in the account package.


ФИО, логин:пароль, почта:пароль от почты, дата рождения, id аккаунта,юзер агент, Token EAAB, cookies


Name, login:password, mail:mail password, date of birth, account id, user agent, EAAB Token, cookies


IP Украина

Аккаунты ручного фарма - подготовка 7 дней.

В комплекте прилагается фотокарточки с помощью которой можно пройти проверки со стороны Facebook, и ЗРД

Фан Пейдж 

Логин - номер телефона, с которого происходила регистрация (SMS+), пароль, день рождения

2FA, User Agent, Cookies


Ukraine IP

Manual farming accounts - 7 days preparation.

Included is a photo card with which you can pass Facebook and ZRD checks

Fan Page

Login - phone number from which registration took place (SMS+), password, birthday date

Link to Facebook profile

2FA, User Agent, Cookies

Login recommendations

Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id ( Пример

или чекером

Если вы работаете с сервисами автозалива, рекомендуем вам перед запуском зайти в аккаунт через антидетект, чтобы совершить в нем действия пользователя в течении нескольких минут: скроллинг ленты, посещение пабликов и тд


Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id ( Example

or use this checker

If you work with mass launch services, we recommend that you log in to your account via antidetect before launching it to perform user actions in it for a few minutes: scrolling the feed, visiting publics, etc

Refund policy

После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях


No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations