50$ | PVA Softreg | Country Ukraine | Registration via SMS | Farmed 15 days | 2FA + Profile picture + FP + Mail + Token EAAB + Cookies + User Agent (full description)
PVA Softerg facebook account, Ukraine. Registration by phone number
Accounts were created on devices with Android operating system (NOX). IP addresses Ukraine were used for creation.
Additional account preparation within 15 days. A photo and cover were uploaded to the profile. Received token, cookies and useragent
Mail is included, names in Cyrillic alphabet
The account preparation process includes several key stages:
Account creation is carried out through an emulator that accurately reproduces the functions of a mobile phone, making the accounts indistinguishable from those registered with real devices. SMS confirmation is used for registration confirmation, and email is used for initial account verification.
Imitation of actions typical for newcomers to the social network is carried out immediately after registration. This stage includes uploading photos and video materials to the profile, as well as supplementing it with various information, including interaction with Facebook recommendations.
The next step involves imitating user activity on the social network. This includes from 15 to 20 sessions aimed at performing a variety of actions characteristic of active Facebook users: creating posts, liking, subscribing to other users, commenting, interacting with other participants. It also includes viewing notifications, surfing through different sections of the social network, and much more.
In addition to activity within Facebook, there is interaction with external sites, portals, and services, including registration and authorization on some of them.
A key aspect of the preparation is communicating with other users and adding them as friends, where the number of friends can reach hundreds.
The preparation includes creating a Fan Page (FP) aimed at future advertising activity. Page preparation includes uploading an avatar, the possibility of posting, and having subscribers.
At the final stage, the advertising tools of the account are checked again, cookies are extracted, including cookies from third-party sites, as well as tokens.
The goal of account preparation is to achieve the highest possible level of imitation of real user activity and to set up accounts for effective use in advertising purposes.
Log | Pass | ID | Cookies | Token (EAAB) | User Agent
Log | Pass | ID | Cookies | Token (EAAB) | User Agent
Log | Pass | ID | Cookies | Token (EAAB) | User Agent
Регистрация на Android (NOX), подтверждены по SMS
Регистрация на прокси из Киева, 1 аккаунт = 1 IP
Фарм 15 дней
Загружена аватарка, создана Фан Пейдж
Ссылка на профиль Facebook, день рождения
Act (ads id)
Извлечены Token EAAB, Cookies, User Agent
Registration on Android (NOX), confirmed by SMS
Registration on proxy from Kiev, 1 account = 1 IP
Farmed 15 days
Uploaded avatar, created Fan Page
Facebook profile link, birthday date
Act (ads id)
Extracted EAAB Token, Cookies, User Agent
Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Пример https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
или чекером https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях
No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations