50$ | PVA Softreg| REINSTATED | Country Poland | Farmed 20 days | From 200 Friends + Interests + NEW FP + 2FA + Avatar + Mail + Token + Cookies + UA (full description)
Softreg, country Poland
Registration was done via SMS
Accounts are registered through proxy Poland (IP - Lukov)
Country Ad account - Poland, currency - ZL
Gender: Female, language is Polish, names in latin
Mail is included. Created 2 FP. Phone number detached
Account preparation process:
The account creation process is initiated on pre-prepared mobile devices. An important point is the use of exclusively high quality Polish mobile proxies, through which all subsequent activity is carried out. Immediately after the registration is completed, the accounts are transferred to Antik Browser, where they are already pre-heated with the help of cookie farming. It is interesting to note that there is a pause of one to two days between the moment of registration and the beginning of active farming.
At the very beginning of work on the account is carried out its initial design, which includes uploading an avatar and cover, adding ten photos, filling out personal information, removing the phone number, as well as activating two-factor authentication and other standard measures.
The bulk of account preparation is centered around creating an extensive user experience that encompasses all possible forms of interaction with the Facebook platform. This includes mimicking the user's natural activity: publishing a minimum of 14 posts, as well as actively engaging in liking, scrolling the feed, subscribing to other users, commenting and reposting. There were 20 farming sessions over a 20-day period, ensuring that the account is thoroughly trained without the risk of overloading it.
An equally important aspect is interaction with content, accompanied by communication with real users. In the course of preparation, approximately 200 friends are added to each account, which helps to create the image of an active participant in the social network.
A separate stage of preparation is the creation of two newly designed Fan Pages, which is aimed at emphasizing the accounts' focus on promotional activities. Each page undergoes an individual process of preparation, including full filling of the profile and posting of at least 21 posts. More than 100 friends have been invited to the pages.
Initiation of bypassing promotional activity restrictions begins after accounts are familiarized with promotional tools and create Fan Pages using unique photo material. If there are requirements to pass selfie checkpoints, these are also successfully circumvented.
Accounts may have $50 BM CCDBMs (up to 2 pieces). Blue Print courses have been completed
In the context of generating advertising interests, the account organizes extensive activity both inside and outside of Facebook. This includes clicking on advertisements, making applications and purchases in the second phase of preparation, as well as regular visits to various websites and services, performing between 50 and 100 such activities throughout the process.
In the final phase of preparation, all advertising tools of the accounts are re-examined to extract tokens and cookies, including data from external websites visited.
As a result of this work we have obtained highly effective and reliable accounts, ready to work with advertising or for further independent preparation, with assigned interests (at least 10) and with a total age of up to one month. The documentation is attached.
FB id | slot name | FB login | FB password | Mail login | Mail password | Recovery mail login | Recovery mail password | Name | Date of birth
FB id | slot name | FB login | FB password | Mail login | Mail password | Recovery mail login | Recovery mail password | Name | Date of birth
20 дней фарминг
Регистрация через SMS
Регистрировался на мобильных прокси Польша (Lukov)
Страна РК - Польша, валюта - ZL
200+ друзей
Пол: Женский, язык польский, имена на латинице
Почта в комплекте. Создано 2 Фан Пейдж. Номер телефона отвязан
Ссылка на профиль Facebook
Token EAAB
User Agent
20 days of farming
Registered via SMS
Registered on mobile proxy Poland (Lukov)
Ad account country - Poland, currency - ZL
200+ friends
Gender: Female, language Polish, names in latin.
Mail is included. Created 2 Fan Page. Phone number detached
Link to Facebook profile
Token EAAB
User Agent
Включена двухфакторная аутентификация. В комплекте ЕСТЬ 2 ФА коды. А так же есть ключ для их получения через сайт 2fa.live или Google authenticator.
Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Пример https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
или чекером https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
Если вы работаете с сервисами автозалива, рекомендуем вам перед запуском зайти в аккаунт через антидетект, чтобы совершить в нем действия пользователя в течении нескольких минут: скроллинг ленты, посещение пабликов и тд
Two-factor authentication is enabled. There are 2 FA codes in the package. And also there is a key to get them through the site 2fa.live or Google authenticator.
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
If you work with mass launch services, we recommend that you log in to your account via antidetect before launching it to perform user actions in it for a few minutes: scrolling the feed, visiting publics, etc
После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях
No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations