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50$ | PVA Softreg | Reinstated | Country Ukraine | Farmed 15 days | 2 NEW FP + Profile pic + Mail + Token + Cookies + UA (full description)

Softreg , country Ukraine


Registration was done on phone numbers, 1 number = 1 account

Accounts are registered through proxy of Ukraine 

Accounts confirmed by email

Farm within 15 days

Gender: Female, language is Russian, names in Cyrillic.

Email is included. Created 2 new design  Fan Pages. Phone number is detached

The account setup process encompasses the following stages:

The accounts were initially created using a clean profile in the NOX emulator, subsequently transferred to an anti-detect browser for further preparation. The entire process was carried out through Ukrainian mobile proxies.

In the early stages, the account is set up by filling in information, linking an email, and activating two-factor authentication (2FA), among other actions typical for new accounts.

Subsequent work includes deep activity both within and outside the social network, involving scrolling, liking, following, posting, reposting, and other interactions. A total of about 15 farming sessions were conducted.

As the accounts were actively developed and friends were added, reaching a count of 10-20, actions were taken such as clicking on advertisements, authenticating on external sites, leaving leads, and other conversions.

The initiation of bypassing restrictions was undertaken mid-preparation, after which the restrictions were successfully bypassed. Fan pages were created and filled around the same stage.

At the final stage, all advertising tools on the accounts were re-checked, and the token and cookies, including data from all visited external sites, were extracted.

As a result of the extensive preparation, active accounts targeted for advertising and having 2 verified Business Managers were obtained. The accounts are older than 1 month. The language is English, and names are in Latin script.


Firstname Lastename|Date|Password FB|2FA|Email|Password Email|ID аккаунта|UserAgent|Cookies


Firstname Lastename|Date|Password FB|2FA|Email|Password Email|ID аккаунта|UserAgent|Cookies


Авторег, Украина


15 дней фарминга

Регистрация на номер телефона

Регистрировался на мобильных прокси  Украина

Почта в комплекте. Создано 2 Фан Пейдж. Номер телефона отвязан

Token EAAB


User Agent



15 days of farming

Registered via phone number

Registered on mobile proxy Ukraine

Mail is included. Created 2 new Fan Page. Phone number detached

Token EAAB


User Agent

Login recommendations

Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id ( Пример

или чекером


Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id ( Example

or use this checker

Refund policy

После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях


No substitutions will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations