50$ | PVA Softreg| REINSTATED | Country Ukraine | Farmed 20+ days | Friends + Interests + 2 NEW FP + 2 BM + 2FA + Docs + Profile pic + Mail + Token + Cookies + UA (full description)
PVA Softreg facebook account, Ukraine. Registered on best mobile proxies
Ad account country -Ukraine, currency - USD
Gender: Female, language Russian, names in Cyrillic.
Created 2 FP and 2 BM. Added friends, interests. Pro Mode is enabled
The process of preparing accounts includes the following steps:
Accounts are created on a real Android smartphone via the official Facebook app using SMS verification (with the number disconnected after registration). The accounts are then transferred to anti-deact browser profiles that have been prepared using cookie farming. Accounts undergo a short downtime period after creation.
High quality private mobile proxies from Kyivstar, Life, Vodafone operators with location in Kiev are used for initial registration and further work with accounts.
At the initial stage profiles are filled in, initial interaction with content and basic functions of the social network. The mail is bound to receive codes from Facebook, access to which is included in the kit.
The main stage of preparation consists of a multi-level simulation of user activity, covering a minimum of 28 days or 14 farming sessions, not counting the day of registration.
The work is done in several ways:
- Content interaction
- Communication with other users
- Participating in promotional activities
- Actions for the purpose of external farming
During interaction with content, actions such as scrolling, liking, posting, reposting, commenting, subscribing to pages and groups, and uploading photos are performed. This stage also includes watching videos and participating in games.
In addition to interacting with content, correspondence with real users was conducted, adding about 150 people as friends, while weeding out bots, Arabs and Indians, and blocking some users.
Special attention is paid to working with advertising tools, including the creation and separate farming of two pages in English with full filling and publishing of posts, including deferred posts. Over 75 friends have been invited to the pages. This phase also included creating a business manager (BM) with mail confirmation, adding a page and creating an account. Blueprint courses were taken to improve the advertising tools.
A ban on advertising activity is initiated after the account is familiarized with the advertising tools and a BM is created using the unique photo materials included in the kit. If a checkpoint on selfies appears, it is also overcome.
An important part of the preparation is activity outside of Facebook, including visiting, registering on various websites, portals and services, leaving leads and reposting content. More than 100 activities were performed during the preparation.
Selective clicks on ads and search queries are used to consolidate advertising interests generated on accounts of at least 20.
At the last stage, all advertising tools are rechecked, tokens and cookies containing data on interaction with all third-party sites (more than 150 KB) are extracted. Once the preparation is complete, the accounts undergo final curing.
As a result of the 28-day preparation, the accounts look and function like real user profiles, have friendly activity and are targeted for promotional actions, and are ready for immediate use. The total duration of the accounts is at least one month, the package includes the necessary documents.
login(он же номер);password;name;birthday;mail;password;url;2FA;token;user-agent + (доки, фото, куки от всех сайтов, скрин качества аккаунта с датой)
login(phone number);password;name;birthday;mail;password;url;2FA;token;user-agent + (docs, photo, all cookies, screen account quality with date).
Регистрация через SMS
Регистрировался на мобильных прокси Украина
20+ дней фарма
Страна РК - Украина, валюта - USD
Пол: Женский, язык Русский, имена на кириллице
Почта в комплекте. Создано 2 ФП и 2 БМ. Номер телефона отвязан
Добавлены друзья, интересы. Включен Pro Mode
Token EAAB, Cookies, User Agent
Registration via SMS
Registered on mobile proxies Ukraine
20+ days of farming
Ad account country - Ukraine, currency - USD
Gender: Female, language Russian, names in Cyrillic.
Mail included. Created 2 FP and 2 BM. Phone number detached
Added friends, interests. Enabled Pro Mode
Token EAAB, Cookies, User Agent
Включена двухфакторная аутентификация. В комплекте ЕСТЬ 2 ФА коды. А так же есть ключ для их получения через сайт 2fa.live или Google authenticator.
Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Пример https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
или чекером https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
Two-factor authentication is enabled. There are 2 FA codes in the package. And also there is a key to get them through the site 2fa.live or Google authenticator.
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях
No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations