50$ | Softreg | Country Kazahstan | Farmed 4 weeks | BM + FP + Avatar + Mail + Token + Cookies + UA (full description)
PVA Softreg, country Kazakhstan. The account was registered by phone number through mobile ip KZ. Registration via smartphone
You can enter the account from any ip CIS, except for the Russian Federation
Ad cabinet Country - Kazakhstan, currency - USD
Profile is fully completed: uploaded 3-6 photos and cover, and the column "about yourself". The account has added friends as well as friend requests
BM is created, confirmed by mail. Accounts may have 2FA enabled (instructions in account access)
FP is created, mail is linked (comes with it). Present token, user agent, cookies
All accounts are checked for the absence of ZRD
The account preparation procedure lasts about a month. During this period, the account shows activity that imitates the actions of a live person: from likes and content views to sending friend requests and communicating in messages. Thus, the illusion of an active user life is created. Promotional materials also appear in the feed. Facebook perceives the account as belonging to a real user.The account preparation procedure lasts about a month. During this period, the account shows activity that imitates the actions of a live person: from likes and content views to sending friend requests and communicating in messages. Thus, the illusion of an active user life is created. Promotional materials also appear in the feed. Facebook perceives the account as belonging to a real user.
Саморег, Казахстан. Страна РК - Казахстан, валюта - USD
Регистрация на реальные мобильные телефоны
Регистрация на телефонные номера: 1 аккаунт = 1 номер, номера нет в комплекте
Регистрация на мобильные прокси: 1 аккаунт = 1 IP
Проверен на отсутствие ЗРД
Создана и подключена почта (в комплекте);
Политика принята; профиль заполнен; добавлены друзья;
создан БМ (подтвержден по почте); создана Фан Пейдж
2FA; Token EAAB; Cookies; User Agent;
Softreg, Kazahstan . Ad account country - Kazahstan , currency - USD
Registration for real smartphones
Registration for phone numbers: 1 account = 1 number, numbers are not in the set
Registration for mobile proxies: 1 account = 1 IP
Checked for absence of ZRD
Mail is created and connected (included);
Policy accepted; profile completed; friends added;
BM created (confirmed via email): FP created
2FA; Token EAAB; Cookies; User Agent;
Рекомендуется выполнять вход в аккаунт через куки с указанием юзер-агента. Входить в аккаунт можно с любого ip СНГ, кроме РФ
Проверяйте аккаунты перед первым входом. Рабочее состояние аккаунтов проверяется по его id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Пример https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
или чекером https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
Если вы работаете с сервисами автозалива, рекомендуем вам перед запуском зайти в аккаунт через антидетект, чтобы совершить в нем действия пользователя в течении нескольких минут: скроллинг ленты, посещение пабликов и тд
It is recommended that you log in to your account via cookies with a user agent. You can log in to the account from any CIS ip, except Russian Federation
Check accounts before the first login. The working status of accounts is checked by its id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115
or use this checker https://checkaccs.nppr.team/
If you work with mass launch services, we recommend that you log in to your account via antidetect before launching it to perform user actions in it for a few minutes: scrolling the feed, visiting publics, etc
После входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Проверяйте аккаунты до входа способом, указанным в рекомендациях
При работе с автозаливом замены не предусмотрено, если аккаунт был заведен в сервис сразу, без рекомендованных действий (см Рекомендации)
No replacement will be made after logging into the account. Check accounts before logging in using the method specified in the recommendations
There is no replacement if the account was launched through mass launch tools immediately, without the recommended actions (see Recommendations)